Hike to Rio Seco Waterfall
The UWI Hiking Club returned to Rio Seco Waterfall, a popular hike in east Trinidad with an immense waterfall and a large natural pool...
The UWI Hiking Club returned to Rio Seco Waterfall, a popular hike in east Trinidad with an immense waterfall and a large natural pool...
This week, the University of the West Indies Guild of Students hosted Club Fest, a mini Orientation Week-type event so that students could learn...
Last weekend, the UWI Hiking Club trekked to Cafe Pool, one of the lesser known hiking destinations in Trinidad.
Last Friday, the Trinidad and Tobago Optometry Students’ Association Christmas Dinner ended their year with an enjoyable Christmas dinner at the Couva Multi-Training Facility.
Last weekend, the Mount Hope InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, the Sir Arthur Lewis Hall InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, and the University of the West Indies InterVarsity...